Abel Bordonado
- Volunteer & Traveller
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Discipline leads to success
Work with passion
Trust the road, dont give up.
Keep learning all the time
Equilibrium is the key for Happiness
With more than 3 years working in china, at the same time I learn Chinese and enrich my cultural background, I obtained a deep knowledge in different types of technologies and projects. From apps, Wechat mini programs, to financial applications, complex server architecture and Smart contracts for block chain.
Developing applications that had handle millions of RMB a day as one among other achievements.
Short Overview
Woring in New Delhi (India) as a project manager and process chief manager and auditor has give me a uniq experience handle international costumers and facing big diversity of challenges.
In India everything is possible, even in software development, starting from intership position my passion for my work lead me to become chief auditor and project manager in less than a year
MoreThanGamers is my first entrepreneur start up. The goal o the compnay is support charity programs using computer games. as a tool.
As a CEO I got valuable learning experiencie on how to overcome obstacles and challenges, receiving several entrepreneur prizes and recognitions
I'm Superior Computer Engineer by University of Alicante (Spain) and University of Bergen (Norway) where I graduated in 2013.
Here I became a computer geek and developed my passion for game design and development.
I completed my education volunteering in Poland training my self to cooperate in international environments